Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

lead vocal
Synth Strings 2

backup vocal 1
Synth Strings 2

backup vocal 2
Synth Strings 2

backup vocal 3
Synth Strings 2

backup vocal 4
Synth Strings 2

acoustic guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

acoustic guitar 2 (outro)
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Mea-dow-lark, fly a-way down. I hold a corn-u-co-pi-a and a go- lden crown, for you to wear u-pon your flee-cy gown. My mea-dow-la-rk, si---ng to me. Hum-ming bird, just let me down. In-side the bro-ken o-vals of- your o--live eyes, I do be-lieve you gave it your best try. My hum-ming bi-rd, si---ng to me. My hum-ming bi-rd, si---ng to me. Do-n't be-lieve a word that I ha-ven't he-ard. Lit-tle chil-dren lau-ghing at the boys and girls. The mea-dow-la-rk sing-in' to you, each and e-very day-. The arc lied o-n the hill-side a-nd, the mar-ket i-n the hay.